Tuesday 5 May 2020

Teaching Aptitude TEST II

1.      Which of the following is NOT a sign of 'being gifted' ? 
a.Curiosity  b.Creativity  c.Poor relationship with peers   d.Interest in extra reading
2.      Language of word is not necessary for  a.Imaginative Thinking  b.Conceptual Thinking  c.Associative Thinking   d.Perceptual Thinking
3.      Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in scholastic domain?
(a) Conversation Skill (b) Multiple Choice Question 
(c) Projects (d) Oral Questions .
4.      If a child writes 16 as 61 and gets confused between B and D, this is case of–
(a) Visual Impairment
(b) Learning Disability (c) Mental Impairment (d) Mental Retardation
5.      Determinants of Individual differences in human beings relate to–   (a) Differences in Environment (b) Differences in Heredity   (c) Interaction between Heredity and Environment   (d) Both Heredity and Environment interacting separately
6.      An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the best course of the action for the teacher?
(a) Wait till he performs better
(b Find out reason for his under achievement  (c) Give him grace marks in the examination (d) Ask his parents to withdraw from school.
7.      The term ‘constructivism’ in relation to science education means that children should be
 a) Given complete information about science  b) Actively involved in the process of learning science  c)Discouraged to raise questions in the classroom  d)Given latest information on scientific developments
8.      Which of the following are essential for a head of an institution to manage his job efficiently and effectively? Choose the answer using the Codes given below: A) Professional qualification in Teacher Education. B) Post-graduate qualification in a discipline C) Familiarity with the socio-political situation in the locality D) Soft-skills training E) Good Communication skills:  ( a) B  C  D  E  (b) A B C E  (c) A  C  D  E  ( d) A  B  D  E.
9.      The major purpose of diagnostic test is that of identifying–  (a) The General area of weakness in class performance (b) Specific nature of remedial Program needed  (c) The causes underlying academic difficulties (d) The specific nature of pupil difficulties 
10.   Special education is related to– (a) Educational for talented students (b) Educational program for disabled (c) Training program for Teachers  (d) Training program for retarded 
11.  The best method to study growth and development of the child is– (a) Psychoanalytic Method (b) Comparative Method   (c) Developmental Method  (d) Statistical Method.
12.  What are the characteristics of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation?
1. It increases the workload on students by taking multiple tests. 2. It replaces marks with grades. 3. It evaluates every aspect of the student.  4. It helps in reducing examination phobia.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below; a) 2, 3 and 4  b) 1, 2 and 3   c) 2 and 4   d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
13.  Achievement tests are commonly used for the purpose of  a) making selections for a specific job  b) selecting candidates for a course c) identifying strengths and weakness of learners  d) assessing the amount of learning after teaching
14.  Diagnostic evaluation ascertains:  a) Students performance at the beginning of instructions  b) learning progress and failures during instructions  c) degree of achievement of instructions at the end  d) causes and remedies of persistent learning problems during instructions
15.  Identify the category of evaluating that assesses the learning progress to provide continuous feedback to the students during instructions. a) placement  b) Diagnosis c) Formative                            d) Summative
16.  Which set of learner characteristics may be considered helpful in designing effective teaching learning systems? Select the correct alternative from the codes given below:  1.Prior experience of learners in respect of the subject. 2.Interpersonal relationship of learner’s family friends. 3.Ability of the learner in respect of the subject. 4.Student’s language background. 5.Interest of students in following the prescribed dress code. 6.Motivational – orientation of the students.  Codes: a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 b) 1,3,4 and 6  c) 2, 3, 4 and 5  d) 3, 4, 5 and 6
17.  The  most appropriate meaning of learning is:  a)Acquisition of skills  b) Modification of behavior  c)Personal adjustment  d) Inculcation of knowledge
18.  The Blackboard can be utilized best by a teacher for : a)putting the matter of teaching in black and white  b) making the students attentive c)writing the important  and notable points  d) Highlighting the teacher himself
19.  Now a days the most effective mode of learning is    a) Self Study        b) face – to- face learning   c) e- learning  d) blended learning
20.  Which one is the highest order of learning?  a)chain learning  b) Problem- solving learning  c) Stimulus- response learning    d) Conditioned reflex learning
21.   A person can enjoy teaching as a profession when he  a) has control over students   b) commands respect from students c)is more qualified than his colleagues  d) is very close to higher authorities
22.     The best method of teaching is to  a) impart information  b) ask students to read books  c) suggest good reference material  d) initiate a discussion and participate it
23.  Full form of MOOCs:  a) Massive Open Online Courses. B) Massive  Online open  Courses         c)  Marks  Open Online Credits  d) Marks  Online open  Credits.
24.  UGC  issued credit Framework for online courses through SWAYAM Regulation,2016 to enable transfer of credit based on Moocs courses up to a maximum of : a) 10%.  b) 20%  c) 30% d) 40% 
25.   In which year UGC, Credit Framework for online learning courses through SWAYAM Regulation Act  formed: a) 2014  b) 2016  c) 2017 d) 2018

26.  Indian version of online learning is being launched on an indigenous platform of learning, named as SWAYAM. What is it’s full form?  a)  Study Web of Active Learning by Young and Aspiring Minds b) Study Web of Act Learning by Young and Aspiring Minds c) Smart Web of Active Learning by Youth  and Aspiring Minds  d) Study Website  of Active Lead  by Young and Aspiring Minds.
27.  The SWAYAM shall notify to the Registrars of all the Institutions, on which month every year, the list of the online learning Courses going to be offered in the forthcoming Semester. a) 1st May and 1st November  b) 1st June and 1st November  c) 1st July and 1st December 
d) 1st June and 1st January.
28.  In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessment totals to–  (a) 40% and 60% respectively (b) 60% and 40% respectively  (c) 50% and 50% respectively (d) None of the above

29.   Which of the following Motives are considered as primary motives?  (a) Physiological Motives (b) Psychological Motives  (c) Social Motives (d) Educational Motive
30.   What are the factors related to learner that effects the learning?  (a) Physical and Mental health of the learner (b) Level of aspiration and achievement motivation   (c) Readiness and Willpower   (d) All of the above.

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