Tuesday 5 May 2020

Research Methodology SET II

1.      Mean, Median and Mode are : (A) Measures of deviation  (B) Ways of sampling (C) Measures of control tendency (D) None of the above     
2.      Research is  (A) Searching again and again (B) Finding solution to any problem (C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem (D) None of the above  
3.      Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?   (A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.  (B) Survey of related literature (C) Identification of problem   (D) Searching for solutions to the problem     
4.      A common test in research demands much priority on    (A) Reliability      (B) Usability     (C) Objectivity      (D) All of the above     
5.      Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?  (A) Socio-economic Status  (B) Marital Status   (C) Numerical Aptitude   (D) Professional Attitude   
6.      The essential qualities of a researcher are (A) Spirit of free enquiry (B) Reliance on observation and evidence(C) Systematization or theorizing of knowledge (D) All the above   
7.      In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by   (A) Statement of Objectives  (B) Analysis of Data   (C) Selection of Research Tools   (D) Collection of Data   
8.      A research paper is a brief report of research work based on  (A) Primary Data only  (B) Secondary Data only  (C) Both Primary and Secondary Data  (D) None of the above  
9.      Questionnaire is a :  (A) Research method   (B) Measurement technique   (C) Tool for data collection   (D) Data analysis technique  
10.  Inductive logic proceeds from :   (A) General to General   (B) Particular to General   (C) General to Particular  (D) Particular to Particular   
11.  Which of the following is not a “Graphic representation” ?  (A) Pie Chart   (B) Bar Chart   (C) Table   (D) Histogram .
12.  Random sampling is helpful as it is A) Reasonably accurate B) Free from personal biases  C) An economical method of data collection D) All the above
13.  Sampling is advantageous as it (A) Saves time (B) Helps in capital-saving( C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Increases accuracy
14.  Interview with a detailed standardized schedule is called  ( A) Clinical interview( B) structural interview (C) group interview (D) direct interview
15.  Hypothesis which explain relationship between two variables is  ( A) casual (B) rational (C)descriptive (D) tentative
16.  A blueprint of research work is called   (A) Research problem (B) research design (C) research tools ( D) research methods
17.  All surveys are essentially   ( A) Narrative (B) explanatory (C) interdisciplinary
(D) communal
18.    ..... from theory leads to hypothesis    (A) Deduction (B) induction (C) logical deduction (D) observation
19.  In survey there is an enumerator and a......  (A) Guide (B) respondent (C) supervisor (D) messenger
20.  Population census is an example of.....research    (A) Survey (B) empirical (C) Clinical (D) diagnostic

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