Wednesday 13 October 2021

The formulation of research objectives


The formulation of research objectives

 Objectives are the goals we set out to attain in our study. The formulation of a research problem is the most important step in the research process. It is the foundation, in terms of design, on which we you build the whole study. Any defects in it will adversely affect the validity and reliability of our study.

 Formulation of a research problem in qualitative research follows a different path. we do not predetermine the exact nature and extent of the research problem we propose to find answers to. You continue to modify it as we start finding out more about it. However, it will help us if we develop a conceptual framework of the different aspects of a problem to serve as a backdrop for issues to be discussed with potential respondents.

Objectives should be specific and free from ambiguity, and each one should relate to only one aspect of the study. They should be under two headings: main objective and sub objectives. Use action oriented words when writing  our objectives.

·       The main objective is an overall statement of the thrust of our study. It is also a statement of the main associations and relationships that we seek to discover or establish.

·       The sub objectives are the specific aspects of the topic that we want to investigate within the main framework of our study.

The seven-step model helps we  to narrow our broad area of interest to enable you to decide what specifically we  want to study. It is operational in nature and follows a logical sequence that takes the beginner through the complexities of formulating a research problem in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. It is important to articulate the objectives of our study clearly.

 Research question is the central question of the study that has to be answered on the basis of research findings.


What is Hypothesis in Research?

A  hypothesis  is a tentative statement of a proposition which the researcher seeks to prove. It’s basically a concrete generalization. Of course, this generalization requires essential characteristics that pertain to an entire class of phenomena.

When a theory stated as a testable proposition formally and subject to empirical verification we can define as a hypothesis. Researchers make a hypothesis on the basis of some earlier theory and some rationale that generally accepted as true. The hypothesis test finally will decide whether it is true or rejected.

So, to clarify a hypothesis is a statement about the relationship between two or more variables. The researcher set out the variables to prove or disprove. Hypothesis essentially includes three elements. For example-

1.    Variables

2.    Population

3.    Relationship between variables. 

Example of  Hypothesis

1.    Rewards increase reading achievements

2.    Rewards decrease reading achievements

3.    Or rewards have no effect on reading achievements

In the above examples- variables are- Rewards & Achievements.

Steps in Formulation of Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a tentative assumption drawn from practical knowledge or theory. A hypothesis is used as a guide in the inquiry of other facts or theories that a researcher does not know. However, the formulation of the hypothesis is one of the most difficult steps in the entire scientific research process.


The basic   steps in the formulation of a hypothesis.

1. Define Variables

We must define  our variables. What do we want to test?  Will we  test that rewards increase reading achievement?  This will provide us  with a clear idea of what to follow to achieve results.

2. Study In-Depth the Variables

If we have to think  our variables  in depth .Specify dependent and independent variables.

3. Specify the Nature of Relationship

Then, identify what relationship  there exist between the variables. What variable influences the other?  That is what is  the dependent variable and what is the independent variable.

4. Identify Study Population

The population in research we mean the entire group of individuals is going to study. The researcher must identify the study population.

5. Make Sure Variables are Testable

Variables in our hypothesis must be testable. Otherwise, the hypothesis would be worthless. Because  our research study must accept or reject a variable. So, variables we must need to test. Testable variables can only be accepted or rejected. Moreover, the sole aim of a research hypothesis is to test variables in the long run.







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