Sunday 17 October 2021

Mathematical Reasoning


Mathematical Reasoning

Direction:  ( 1 - 6)  What will be in the next number in the series ?

1.       2, 7, 28, 63, 126, 215   ?      1) 344 2) 513 3) 256  4) 345.

2.      7,  13 ,  25,   49   ?                   1)99   2)97    3)89   4)87

3.      8 ,  9,   20 ,  63,   ?                  1)256    2)252    3)246     4)242

4.      1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ?                1) 216    2)512    3) 729    4) 1000

5.    If A=2, B=3, CAT=27, Then  JOB =?   1)30 2)27 3)57 4)32 5) 40

6.    If A=5, BC=25,   DEF=75 , Then  GHI  =?

  1)120 2) 125 3)132 4) None of these

7.    Given that in a code language, ‘645’means ‘day is warm’;  ‘42’  means ‘warm spring’ and ‘634’ means ‘spring is sunny’; which digit represents  ‘sunny’?      (1) 3           (2) 2            (3) 4     (4) 5

8.    In a certain code ‘415’ means ‘milk is hot’; ‘18’ means ‘hot soup’; and ‘895’ means ‘soup is tasty’. What number will indicate the word ‘tasty’?  1) 9   2) 8 3) 5   4) 4


9.    A is the brother of B. B is the brother of C. C is the husband of D. E is the father of A. D is related to E as  1 ) daughter 2) daughter-in-law 3) sister  4) sister-in-law .


10. C and D are sisters. A and B are brothers. E is son of A and brother of D. B is related to C as (1) Brother    (2) Son  (3) Uncle     (4) Father-in-law

11. A is sister of B. C is mother of B. D is father of C. E is mother of D. A is related to D as (1) Granddaughter    (2) Daughter (3) Daughter-in-law  (4) Sister.

12.Introducing a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle." How is the boy related to the girl?  1) Brother   2)  Nephew   3)  Uncle   4) Son-in-law 

13. Pointing to a woman in the picture, Rajiv said, “Her mother has only one grandchild whose mother is my wife.” How is the woman in the picture related to Rajiv?   1)Cousin    2) wife     3) sister      4) data inadequate    



14. A man walks 2 km towards North. Then he turns to East and walks 10 km. After this he turns to North and walks 3 km. Again he turns towards East and walks 2 km. How far is he from the starting point?   1)10 km     2) 13 km     3)  15 km     4)17  

15. Town D is to the West of town M. Town R is to the South of Town D. Town K is to the East of Town R. Town K is towards which direction of town D  1)South          2) East          3) North- East            4) South-East    


16. Laxman went 15km to the west from my house, then turned left and walked 20kms. He then turned East and walked 25km and finally turning left covered 20 km. How far was he from his house?  1)5 km 2) 10 km 3) 40 km 4) 80 km

17. A school has 63 students studying Physics, Chemistry and Biology. 33 study Physics, 25 studies Chemistry and 26 Biology. 10 study both Physics and Chemistry, 9 study Biology and Chemistry, while 8 study both Physics and Biology. Equal numbers study all three subjects as those who learn none of the three. How many students study all three subjects?   

1) 2     2)  3    3)  4    4) 6


18. If Ram knows that y is an integer greater than 2 and less than 7 and Hari knows that y is an integer greater than 5 and less than 10, then they may correctly conclude that 1)y can be exactly determined  2)y may be either of the values  3)y may be any of three values  4)there is no value of y satisfying these conditions   

19.Some equations are solved on the basis of certain system. On the same basis, find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation. 4×6×9= 694,  7×3×2=327, 5×3×4=?      1) 453 2)543     3)345 4)354

20.The sum of all even natural numbers between 1 and 81 is: (1) 3280 (2) 3321 (3) 1646 (4) 1640




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