Sunday 17 October 2021

Mathematical Aptitude


Mathematical Aptitude



1.    The sum of the ages of two persons A and B is 50. Five years ago, the ratio of their ages was 5:3. The present age of B is  (in years)  

  1) 20  2)30   3) 40   4)15

2.    The sum of the ages of two persons A and B is 58 years . Five years ago ,the ratio of their ages was 5:3. The difference of their present ages of A and B are (in years)       1)12   2)24    3)36    4 ) 6

3.    Dipak ’s present age is 12 years more than Ram’s age 5 years ago. Presently Ram is 24 years older than Raju’s present age who is 12 years younger than Amit’s present age is 42 years .What Dipak’s age at present ? 

1)56 years          2)64 years              3)58 years          4)61 years           

4.    The average score of a cricketer in two matches is 27 and in three matches is 32. Then find the average score in all the five matches.  

 1)25     2)20     3)30       4)35    

5.    The average of 5 consecutive numbers A, B, C, D and E respectively is 25. What is the difference of largest and smallest number?   

1)2   2)3    3)5    4)4   

6.    The distance between two cities A and B is 330 km. A train starts from A at 8 a.m. and travels towards B at 60 km/hr. Another train starts from B at 9 a.m. and travels towards A at 75 km/hr. At what time do they meet?  

 (1) 10 a.m.   (2) 10:30 a.m.   (3) 11 a.m.   (4) 11:30 a.m.


7.    A train covers a certain distance in 210 minutes at a speed of 60 kmph. The time taken by the train, to cover the same distance at a speed of 80 kmph is: (1) 3   hrs.(2) 2  hrs (3) 4  hrs (4) 3hrs. 


8.     One- third of a certain journey was covered at the speed of 30 km/hr,   one- fourth  at the speed of 45 km/hr and the remaining journey at the speed of 50 km/hr. Find the average speed in km/hr for the whole journey?        

     1)40 km/hr        2)36 km/hr        3)45 km/hr        4)32 km/hr


9.    Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 5. If 16 is added to both the numbers, their ratio becomes  1 : 2. The numbers are :  

 (1) 16, 40 (2) 20, 50 (3) 28, 70 (4) 32, 80


10. Two members are in the ratio 5:4 when 30 is subtracted from each the resulting numbers have the ratio 4:3. Find the second number. 

1)70  2)120  3)150  4)170 


11. Price of sugar petrol by 20 %. By how much percent should the consumption of petrol reduced so that the expenditure does not change?

(1) 20  % (2) 10 % (3) 16  % (4) 15  %


12. The price of sugar is reduced by 20%. By what % must a customer increase the consumption so that the earlier bill on the sugar does not alter?  

 1) 25%    2)20%    3)30%    4)33.33%


13. A man sold an article at a loss of 20% . If he had sold it for Rs.50 more , he would have gained 5%.The cost price of the article was        

 1)Rs.250            2)Rs.300           3)Rs.180            4)Rs.200


14. If the selling price of 40 articles is equal to the cost price of 30 articles, then the loss or gain percent is 

1) 25% loss            2) 20%gain       3) 25% loss      4) 25% gain


15.    If I would have purchase 12 articles for Rs 10 and sold all articles at the rate of 10 for Rs 12. Then profit percent would have been 

1) 30%                 2) 22%                    3) 44%             4) 100%          


16. A sum of money 8000 was lent for 3yrs at 5% per annum compounded annually.  Find the Amount which will pay after 3yrs.    

1) Rs.  Rs.9261           2) Rs. 12000       3) Rs. 8331  4) Rs. 8050

17. Find the sum of money on simple interest Rs 2500 for 5yrs at 10% per annum. 

       1) Rs 4000       2) Rs 5000   3) Rs 6000   4) Rs 10000


18. Find the single discount which is equivalent to two successive discounts of 30% and 20%.      1)26%             2) 56 %            3) 44%                     4) 25%

19. 63 % of employees in a company are female. If the number of male employees is 111, then the total number of employees is ?

 1) 270       2) 290   3)  300   4) 310

20. In order to pass in examination, a student is required to get 280 marks out of the aggregate marks. Hema got 264 marks and was declared fail by 2%. What  is the minimum passing % of the examination?

1)33    2)35     3)40     4)44

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