Monday 26 April 2021

ICT: General abbreviations and terminology NET PAPER 1


ICT: General abbreviations and terminology.

Common Computer Abbreviations

• PC –>Personal Computer

• EPROM –>Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

• BIOS –>Basic Input and Output System

• HDD –>Hard Disk Drive

• PCI –>Peripheral Component Interconnect

• UNIVAC –>Universal Automatic Computer

• GUI –>Graphic User Interface

• USB –>Universal Serial Bus

• VGA –>Visual Graphic Adaptor

• MAN –>Metropolitan Area Network

• ASCII –>American Standard Code for Information Interchange

• WAN –>Wide Area Network

• EBCDIC –>Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

 • LAN –>Local Area Network

• EEPROM/EAPROM –>Electrical Erasable/Alterable Programmable Read Only Memory

• CPU –>Central Processing Unit

• OS –>Operating System

• ALU –>Arithmetic and Logic Unit

 • DVD –>Digital Versatile Disc

• CD –>Compact Disk

• ROM –>Read Only Memory

• VDU –>Visual Display Unit

• RAM –>Random Access Memory

• PROM –>Programmable Read-Only Memory

• URL –>Uniform Resource Locator

• IDE –>Integrated Drive Electronics

• FORTRAN –>Formular Translator

• MOS –>Meta oxide Semi-Conductor

• ATX –>Advanced Technology Extended

• SIM –>Subscriber Identification Module

• MHZ –>Megahertz

• ISP –>Internet Service Provider

• GHZ –>Gigahertz

• DBMS –>Database Management System

• SQL –>Structured Query Language

 • RW –>Re-Writeable

• SDT –>Serial Data Transmission

• CAN –>Campus Area Network

• SIMMs –>Single In-line Memory Module

 • PAN –>Personal Area Network

• DIMMs –>Dual In-line Memory Module

• CMOS –>Complimentary Meta oxide Semi-Conductor

• ENIAC –>Electronic Number Integrator And Calculator

• EDSAC –>Electronic Dialog Storage Automatic Computer

• MAC –>Media Access Control

• IC –>Integrated Circuit

• IP Internet Protocol

• PDT –>Parallel Data Transmission

• USSD –>Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

• WWW –>World Wide Web

• COBOL –>Common Basic Oriented Language

• CCNP –>Cisco Certified Network Professionals

• BASIC –>Beginner All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

• CEH –>Certified Ethical Hacking

• TCP –>Transmission Control Protocol

• CSS –>Cascading Style Sheet

 • CISCO –>Computer Information System Company

• XXS –>Cross Site Scripting

• HTML –>Hypertext Markup Language

• CCNA –>Cisco Certified Network Associate

• RFI –>Remote File Inclusion

• HTTP –>Hypertext Transfer Protocol

• DDOS –>Distribution Denial Of Service

 • VPN –>Virtual Private Network

OS – This is the Operating System of the computer. It is the main program that runs on a computer and begins automatically when the computer is turned on.

PC – This is the abbreviation for personal computer. It refers to computers that are IBM compatible. PDF – This represents the Portable Document Format which displays files in a format that is ready for the web.

RAM – This stands for Random Access Memory which is the space inside the computer that can be accessed at one time. If you increase the amount of RAM, then you will increase the computer’s speed. This is because more of a particular program is able to be loaded at one time.

 ROM – This is Read Only Memory which is the instruction for the computer and can not be altered –>Search Engine Optimization

FTP – This is a service called File Transport Protocol which moves a file between computers using the Internet.

HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language formats information so it can be transported on the Internet. HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a set of instructions for the software that controls the movement of files on the Internet.

 IP – This stand for Internet Protocol which is the set of rules that govern the systems connected to the Internet. IP Address is a digital code specific to each computer that is hooked up to the Internet. ISP – The Internet Service Provider is the company which provides Internet service so you can connect your computer to the Internet.

 LAN – This stand for Local Area Network which is the servers that your computer connects to in your geographic area.

PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol is the set of rules that allow your computer to use the Internet protocols using a phone line and modem.

 URL – This is the Uniform Resource Locator which is a path to a certain file on the World Wide Web.

USB – The Universal Serial Bus is used for communications between certain devices. It can connect keyboards, cameras, printers, mice, flash drives, and other devices. Its use has expanded from personal computers to PDAs, smartphones, and video games, and is used as a power cord to connect devices to a wall outlet to charge them.



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