Monday, 26 April 2021

Communication: NET PAPER 1: Mass-Media and Society.


Mass-Media and Society.

Media is the reflection of our society and it depicts what and how society works. Media, either it is printed, electronic or the web is the only medium, which helps in making people informed. It also helps in entertaining the public, educate and make people aware of the current happenings.

Mass communication is the term used to describe the academic study of various means by which individuals and entities relay information to large segments of the population all at once through mass media.

Social media is becoming one of the most popular and most accessed media of communication these days. Social media has brought different people from the different geographical area on one platform on which they can share their feeling, ideas, emotions, information and much more.


Types of mass media:

Traditional Media:  The traditional arts and folk arts combine several art forms like dance, music, songs and theatre to attract audiences. The performances are spontaneous and most often made on the spot.

Print Media:  Print media served as the major means of communication reaching a wide audience. Major forms of print media are: Newspapers, Magazines and periodicals Books

Electronic Media: The history of electronic media starts with the invention of cinematography by Lumiere Brothers who conducted the premiere show of cinema in 1895. Later the radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi. The first radio station was set up in Pittsburg, New York and Chicago in the 1920s. In short, the term electronic media mainly include Film, Radio & Television.

New Media/Social Media & Others- Internet and the World Wide Web opened up several new avenues for mass communication which include e-mail, websites, podcasts, e-books, blogging, social networking sites, Internet Protocol Television, Internet radio and the like. These kinds of online and digital means of producing, transmitting and receiving messages are called new media.


Functions of mass media:

In a society like ours, mass media have a responsible role to play in fostering democracy, plurality and communal harmony through the functions listed below.

Ø Information and education.

Ø Socialization

Ø  Entertainment

Ø Political awareness

Ø Cultural transmission

Ø Catalyst to development




Communication: NET PAPER 1: Barriers to effective communication.


Barriers to effective communication.

 The information to be communicated should be clear and accurate. If an individual sends the message, and the other one receives it and interprets it in the same way as the sender had intended to express, the process of communication is said to be complete and successful. However, Communication is not always successful. Certain barriers in communication affect the clarity, accuracy and effectiveness of the message.


Semantic barriers This barrier is related to the process of coding and decoding the message. Various types of semantic gaps found in the day-to-day use of people are as follows:

Ø Words having similar pronunciation but multiple meaning: Same pronunciation but are having many meanings. For example: Write, Right; sight, site, cite; etc

Ø Badly expressed message: Lack of clarity and precision make the message badly expressed. Lack of coherence, awkward sentence structure, jargons etc. are common faults, which lead to such messages.

Ø Wrong interpretation: Whenever one interprets a symbol, his understanding may differ with others. The Hindi word ‘Nani ’ means Mother’s ma in one part of the country but the small girl in another part of the country.

Ø Technical Language: When technical language is used in the communication process, it creates barriers in understanding the message in the same sense and the same spirit. When technical jargons or specialist languages are used in the communication and conversation process, they create tension, confusion and misunderstanding between the sender and the receiver.

New meanings given to ordinary words by computer technology; to people who are not familiar with computers, “mouse” is only an animal, whereas in computer jargon, it is a device


Organizational Barriers: It may originate in contradictory management policies or too many levels of management or the clash between line and staff operations. The specialized nature of functions or even the special language of those functions may cause it. It may have its source in formal-informal, or grapevine transactions. Following are the organizational barriers in communication:

Ø Organization culture and climate: In every organization, there exists a unique culture and climate. The climate and culture of an organization ultimately influence the freedom, thrust and interaction pattern among people in an organization.

Ø Organizational rules and regulations: The rules and regulations of the organization vary widely from one organization to another. They may be so rigid that they may influence the flow of information in the wrong direction.

Ø Status relationships: The status, power and position relationship acts as the hurdle in the effectiveness of communications. Individuals may not be able to say what they wish to say because of their fear for the position and power of the other party in the communication process.

Ø  Lack of cooperation between superior and subordinate: There may not be proper cooperation between the superior and subordinate for various personal or organizational relationships, which may hold to improper communication in an organization.


Interpersonal Barriers: The effectiveness of Communication depends a lot on the interpersonal relationship between two people. If and when the sender and receiver are at the same economic, educational and status level and also have a good rapport with each other, there is hardly any barrier arising in communication. But, in case of a difference at any level, there is a greater chance of Miscommunication. The most common example for this in an organization is the Barriers relating to Superior and Subordinate. The subordinate must follow the order of the superior, carry out all work efficiently, and provide full information related to any matter, which arises in the organization or any work. Moreover, the superior should have full confidence in himself and the subordinate.



Ø Lack of proper channel: There may be complexity in the organizational structure, which may influence proper and effective communication from the subordinate. They may not feel free to communicate because of the pressure of position power and authority.

Ø  No interest to communicate: There may not be any interest on the part of subordinates to have a dialogue, discussion and interaction with their superiors, which affect the communication process adversely.

Ø Lack of cooperation: lack of cooperation and mutual understanding also leads to the hiding of certain information between the superior and subordinates in the organization.

Ø Lack of trust: There may be a lack of trust and coordination between the superior and the subordinate, which may lead to infective communication.

Ø  The poor relationship between superior and subordinate: A good relationship must develop between superiors and subordinates frequently and freely. They must interact to improve the upward and downward communication system. The superior must listen to the subordinates’ suggestion, their problems, and must have faith in them. In the absence of all this, it may so happen that what the superior speaks, the subordinate may not understand it.

Ø  Fear of penalty: If subordinate fees that because of free expression and upward communication he will face some type of penalty, there is a possibility that he may not provide a full or correct message to the superior.



Individual / Psycho-sociological Barriers: Individual or Psycho-sociological barriers are the prime barriers in interpersonal communication. People have different styles of communication. People also have personal feelings, desires, fears, hopes, likes, dislikes, attitudes, views and opinions. The meaning assigned to a message depends upon the emotional or psychological status of both the parties involved in the process of communication.

Ø Style: Style, how a person communicates, involves many elements, though style overlaps with several of the other factors in the analysis, it adds its distinct flavour.

Ø Selective perception: The receiver may make a world of his own around himself. He projects his interest and expectations as he decodes messages. He may only take that much piece of information, which may suit his world of thinking. As a result, the person acquires incomplete and inappropriate information, which influence the communication process. Having a poor self-concept or self-understanding, or a poor understanding of others can cause perceptual distortions.

Ø  Halo effect: People do not listen carefully because of impressions based on earlier encounters. Even one of the parties having a halo effect will disrupt the flow of communication.

Ø  Status relationship: There maybe status and power relationship, which may hinder the communication process and affect the effectiveness of communication. Status effects also hinder communication is as much as people occupying higher positions in the organization tend to “tell a lot to subordinates but not to listen, effective communication is not possible.

Ø  Poor attention and Retention: About half of the information, if not properly retained, is lost. The sender may suffer from each problem. It also said that about 30% of the information is lost in each oral transmission. Human memory may not always retain what it is told. This causes communication breakdown and necessitates the repetition of the message using several channels

Ø   In attention: The preoccupied mind of the receiver and the reluctant

Non-listening is one of the major psychologies’ barriers. It is because of it that people do not react to ideas/messages received in communication.

Ø Undue importance of written words: The undue importance given to the written words may lead to loss of information. The successive information is not accurate and right. Written communication often tells what is to be done but not why it should be done. It takes the persuasive quality.

Ø  Defensiveness: If one feels threatened by a message, one becomes defensive and responds in such ways that reduce the understanding. Such defensive behaviour prevents understanding.

Ø Closed Mind: Limited intellectual background, limited reading and narrow interests can cause a person’s mind to be narrow. This limits the ability to take in new ideas. People with closed minds do not take in any new information or suggestions to change.

Ø State of Health: Physical condition can affect the efficiency in all communication skills. In the case of the poor health condition, the communicating ability is reduced as the mind is not alert and perception is low.

Ø Filtering: Filtering is the process of reducing the details or aspects of a message. Each person who receives the message reduces it according to his or her understanding of the situation. In this process, much of the important information may be lost or misinterpreted and the sender will fail to convey what he wants to convey.



Cross-Cultural/ Geographic Barriers: There are many other cultural differences in body language that can create barriers to effective communication. Those include differences in facial expressions, the use of nodding to indicate agreement or understanding, and the amount of space to give someone with whom you are having a conversation. Cross-cultural communication barriers such as anxiety, uncertainty, stereotyping, and ethnocentrism are caused by inadequate cultural knowledge and the lack of intercultural communicative skills. Adequate training in cross cultural communication and exposure to other cultures is essential in eliminating these barriers.

Physical Barriers/ Channel and Media Barriers: Physical distractions cause a lot of noise, often literally: insufficiently insulated rooms with car noises filtering through, poor lighting, and such things as frequent movement of bodies postures, with a pen in the hand, even the arrival of coffee at a critical stage on the communication process are the causes of communication barriers in organizations. Constant telephone interruptions are one of the commonest physical distractions.

Noise: Noise is any disturbance which occurs in the transmission process. In face-to-face conversation without a microphone, the air may be disturbed by noise in the environment such as traffic, factory work, a typewriter clattering away in a nearby office and people talking, and so on. Wider connotation of noise includes many other factors that are likely to hinder communication. Sometimes, the inner chatting going on in the mind of the listener, which distracts the message received, is also termed as Noise.

Environment: Interferences may also arise from external transceivers, number of links in the chain and circumstantial factors:



A few technical aspects in communication barriers are briefly narrated by Murphy’s Law on communication: Following are the basics in this law on communication:

Ø Communication usually fails. Except by chance, it succeeds. On account of various barriers, the possibility of success in the flow of communication is rare.

Ø If the message can be understood, in different ways, it will be understood in just the way that does the most harm. People receive massage in their way. In most of the cases, the most harmful side of communication is considered.

Ø  It refers to the sender manipulating information so that the receiver will see it as more favourable. In organizations, the information is condensed and synthesized. Objective information does not reach to the authority. The more the vertical levels in the organization’s hierarchy, the more opportunities there are for filtering.

Ø Meta communication. In a communication apart from the message, there is a Meta message. Meta message exists in the people’s minds because of their actions such as being hard to contact. It is the most important thing in seat word language.


Follow WH Rules by sender:

Ø WHO: To whom should the message go?

Ø WHY:  Why should I communicate? What are the motives?

Ø WHAT: Decide what to communicate. Be clear about what one needs to communicate.

Ø WHEN: The best time for optimum reception is chosen.

Ø WHERE: Choose a location which will not interfere with the reception, understanding and acceptance of the message: Privately? Home or away? In a group? At work or outside?

Ø HOW: Use a language, which the receiver will understand and which is unambiguous.


Receiver: The receiver can be aware of the following, to overcome the barriers:

Ø Be fully attentive to the sender.

Ø  Listen actively to the message being sent.

Ø  Ask for clarification and repetition wherever necessary.

Ø Keep checking the receipt of information with sender.






Communication:NET PAPER 1 Effective communication: Verbal and Non-verbal, Inter-Cultural and group communications, Classroom communication.


Effective communication: Verbal and Non-verbal, Inter-Cultural and group communications, Classroom communication.

Communication is effective when a concise and clear message is delivered well, received successfully and understand fully.

Verbal Communication: It means communicating with words, written or spoken. Verbal communication consists of speaking, listening, writing, reading, and thinking. It may further be classified as Oral or Written Communication.

Non-verbal communication: It includes using of pictures, signs, gestures, and facial expressions for exchanging information between persons. It is done through sign language, action language, or object language. Non-verbal communication flows through all acts of speaking or writing. It is a wordless message conveyed through gestures (sign), movements (action language), and object language (pictures/clothes) and so on. Further non-verbal communication can be identified by personal space (proxemics), sense of smell (olfactics) and time (chronemics).

Intercultural communication: It refers to the communication between people from two different cultures. Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive, transactional, contextual process in which people from different cultures create shared meanings.

Group Communication: It can be among small or large groups, like an organization, club or classroom, in which all individuals retain their individual identity.

classroom communication:  classroom communication is interaction between the teacher and the students in the classroom, is basic processes in teaching and learning. It can be verbal, nonverbal and written. When communication is effective, both the student and the teacher benefit. Communication makes learning easier, helps students achieve goals, increases opportunities for expanded learning, strengthens the connection between student and teacher, and creates an overall positive experience.



Communication: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication. NET PAPER 1


Communication: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication.

Meaning: The term communication is derived from the latin word “communis” or “communicare” which means to make common. Thus, communication means to make common facts, information’s, thoughts and requirements. Communication therefore is the exchange of thoughts, message, information etc. by way of speech, signal or in writing.

Communication is a two-way process and works well with feedback, this helps to confirm that intended message has been successful.

 Communication is defined as “the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another, it is essentially a bridge of meaning between people” All communication is essentially sharing of information or some message. Communication is the most important of our social activities.

Process of Communication:


Types: We can classify communication as interpersonal, intrapersonal, group communication, Metacommunication, upward, downward, lateral, diagonal, formal, informal, oral, written or non-verbal communication.


Intrapersonal Communication: It is talking to oneself in one’s own mind. Examples are soliloquies or asides in dramatic works.

Interpersonal Communication: It is the exchange of messages between two persons. For example, a conversation, dialogue, or an interview in which two persons interact (others may also be present as the audience). An author communicates interpersonally with his reader, who is always present as a silent audience in the author’s mind while he writes. A letter too is an example of interpersonal communication between the writer and the person to whom it is written.

Mass Communication: It occurs when the message is sent to large groups of people, for example, by newspaper, radio, or television. In this process, each person becomes a faceless individual with almost no opportunity for personal response or feedback.


Meta Communication: Here the speaker’s choice of words unintentionally communicates something more than what the actual words state. For example, a flattering remark like “I’ve never seen you so smartly dressed” could also mean that the regular attire of the listener needed improvement

Formal Communication: A formal channel of communication can be defined as a means of communication that is formally controlled by managers or people occupying positions in an organization. The communication flows through formal channels, that is, officially recognized positions along the line in the organization. This ensures that the information flows orderly, timely, and accurately. Any information, decision, memo, reminder etc. will follow this path.

 Informal Communication: Side by side with the formal channel of communication every organization has an equally effective channel of communication that is the informal channel. It is not officially sanctioned, and quite often it is even discouraged or looked down upon. But, then, it is very much there and has been given the name ‘grapevine’ precisely because it runs in all directions-horizontal, vertical, diagonal. As the management experts put it, “it flows around water coolers, down hallways, through lunch rooms, and wherever people get together in groups”.

 Downward Communication: The Communication that flows from Top to Bottom is known as downward communication. Any organization has an inbuilt hierarchical system, and in that, in the first instance, communication invariably flows downwards.

Upward Communication: The Communication that flows from bottom to top, which is from lower hierarchical level to higher level, is called Upward Communication. The main function of upward communication is to supply information to the upper levels about what is happening at the lower levels. It is just the reverse of the previous dimension

Lateral Communication: When communication takes place between two or more persons who are subordinates working under the same person or those who are working on the same level, it is called lateral or horizontal communication. A good example of this kind of communication is that between functional managers. It is necessary for the reviewing of the activities assigned to various subordinates having identical positions

Diagonal Communication: Diagonal or Crosswise communication includes the flow of information among persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships. As an example, the Communication between the Training Supervisor and Marketing Manager, regarding the Training of a few employees of the Marketing Department, is Diagonal Communication. This kind of communication is used to speed up information flow, to improve understanding, and to coordinate efforts for the achievement of organizational objectives.

Characteristics of communication

1.    Communication is a Two Way Process:

2.     Message (  subject matter) is a Must

3.    Communication May be Written, Oral or Gestural:

4.    Its Primary Purpose is to Motivate a Response:

5.    Communication may be Formal or Informal

6.    It Flows Up and Down and also from Side to Side:



ICT : NET PAPER 1: Practice Set for NET /SLET


 Competition Coaching Centre, Siliguri & Gangtok

Practice Set for NET /SLET    

Sub: ICT      Time : 30 min.


Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. No negative marks


1.    The statement “the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer Hardware” refers to

 (1) Information Technology (IT)  (2) Information and Collaborative Technology (ICT)  (3) Information and Data Technology (IDT)   (4) Artificial Intelligence (AI)


2.     If the binary equivalent of the decimal number 48 is 110000, then the binary equivalent of the decimal number 51 is given by  (1) 110011 (2) 110010  (3) 110001 (4) 110100

3.    Which of the following represents billion characters? (1) Megabytes (2) Kilobytes (3) Gigabytes (4) Terabytes

4.    If one Giga Byte is equal to 2 30 Bytes of data storage, then 1024 Tera Bytes is equal to _____ bits of data storage.   (1) 2 50 (2) 253  (3) 240 (4) 256

5.    Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE ? 

 S1 : The decimal number 11 is larger than the hexadecimal number 11. 

 S2 : In the binary number 1110.101, the fractional part has the decimal value as 0.625.  (1) S1 only (2) S2 only  (3) Both S1 and S2 (4) Neither S1 nor S2

6.    Symbols A-F are used in which one of the following ?   (A) Binary number system   (B) Decimal number system   (C) Hexadecimal number system  (D) Octal number system

7.    Read the following two statements:  I :  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is considered a subset of Information Technology (IT).  II :  The ‘right to use’ a piece of software is termed as copyright.  Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?  (1) Both I and II (2) Neither I nor II  (3) II only (4) I only



8.    The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as   (1) Burning (2) Zipping  (3) Digitizing (4) Ripping


9.    DVD technology uses an optical media to store the digital data. DVD is an acronym for  (1) Digital Vector Disc  (2) Digital Volume Disc  (3) Digital Versatile Disc  (4) Digital Visualization Disc


10. _________ is a type of memory circuitry that holds the computer’s start-up routine.  (1) RIM (Read Initial Memory)  (2) RAM (Random Access Memory)  (3) ROM (Read Only Memory)  (4) Cache Memory


11. CSS stands for   (1) Cascading Style Sheets   (2) Collecting Style Sheets  (3) Comparative Style Sheets  (4) Comprehensive Style Sheets

12.   MOOCs stands for    (1) Media Online Open Courses   (2) Massachusetts Open Online Courses    (3) Massive Open Online Courses     (4) Myrind Open Online Courses

13.   gif, jpg, bmp, png are used as extensions for files which store  (1) audio data (2) image data   (3) video data (4) text data.

14. Programs designed  to perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources are  called ? 1) operating system  2) helper software  3) system software  4) application software 

15. With regard to e-mail, what does Bcc : mean ?  (1) Blind Computer Communication : - The users specified in the Bcc : field will get the e-mail and see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields.  (2) Blind Carbon Copy : - The users specified in the Bcc : field will get the e-mail and see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields.  (3) Blind Computer Communication :- The users specified in the Bcc : field will get the e-mail but it will be an audio file because this is how blind people get e-mail.  (4) Blind Carbon Copy : The users specified in the Bcc : field will get the e-mail but will not see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields. 


16. With regard to a word processing software, the process of combining static information in a publication together with variable information in a data source to create one merged publication is called  (1) Electronic mail (2) Data sourcing  (3) Mail merge (4) Spam mail

17. Which of the following is a characteristic of  Web2.0 applications?  (1) Multiple users schedule their time to use Web2.0 applications one by one.  (2) Web2.0 applications are focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online.  (3) Web2.0 applications provide users with content rather than facilitating users to create it.  (4) Web2.0 applications use only static pages.

18. The data storage hierarchy consists of : (1) Bits, bytes, fields, records, files and databases (2) Bits, bytes, records, fields, files and databases (3) Bits, bytes, fields, files, records and databases (4) Bytes, bits, fields, records, files and databases

19.  What is the full form of USB as used in computer related activities ? (1) Universal Security Block (2) Universal Serial Bus (3) United Serial Bus (4) Ultra Security Block.

20.   Which one of the following is not a search engine?  (1) Google (2) Chrome   (3) Yahoo (4) Bing

21. The binary  110010 equivalent of the decimal number  is ?  (1) 50 (2) 48  (3) 60 (4) 30

22. Hexadecimal 5BC   equivalent   to the decimal number is ?   (1) 1468 (2) 1568   (3) 46811 (4) 510

23. Voice  mail         1) is the exchange of text messages  and computer files transmitted via  a communications network   such  as a  local area network or the Internet   2) permits users to converse in real time with each other via  the computer while connected to the Internet     3) functions munch like an answering  machine , allowing callers to leave a voice message for the called party     4) involves using video and computer technology to conduct a meeting between participants at geographically  separate locations   

24. System flowcharts show: (1) Relationship that link the input, processing and output of the system (2) Evaluate and describe internal control within the process (3) Illustrate the sequence of logical operations performed by a computer while executing a program (4) Depict the arrangement of hardware components in a computer

25. Which of the following memory unit that processor can access more rapidly:  1) Nain Memory 2) Virtual Memory   3) Cache Memory   4) Read Only Memory


26. A database management system (DBMS) is a …..1) hardware system used to create, maintain and provide controlled access to a database 2) hardware system used to create , maintain and provide uncontrolled access to a database 3) software system used to create , maintain and provide  un-controlled access to a database 4) software system used to create ,maintain and provide controlled access to a database

27. Which  is the correct  about virus and worm?---1) A worm has the  ability to self  program from an infected user’s computer to other computers  2) A worm is usually written by a cracker. Script bunnies do not have the skills to develop a worm program 3) A virus is very harmful to the computer it infects ;  a worm is not a serious a problem  4) Anti- virus software is effective in fighting viruses but not worms 

28. The file system ”NTFS” stands for:

1) New Type file System                   2) Never Terminated File system          

 3) New Technology File System       4) Non Terminated File System       

29. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a (1)  .net    (2)  edu      (3)  .pdf      (4)  .jpg

30. What is meaning of G2C  : (1)  Government to Citizen (2)  Government to commander      (3)  general to civilian       (4)  None of the Above

31. In which year Digital India mission started?

 (1)2014    (2)  2015    (3)  2016     (4) 2017

32.  Which is not Online tools software?

(1)Google meet (2)  Cisco WebEx.      (3)  Skype (4) Microsoft

33.  Full form of   IMAP (1) Internet Message Access Protocol (2) Internet Message Active  Protocol   ( 3)  Internet Message Access Process (4) International Message Access Protocol

34. How much of the total courses can only be earned in a Semester by such students through online learning delivered on SWAYAM platform.

(1) 30% (2)  20%    (3)  40%   (4) 10%

35.  How much % the aim to raise the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in the higher education including vocational education by 2035?  (1) 40% (2)  50%    (3)  30%   (4) 26%

36. The ‘Information and Library Network’ (INFLIBNET) Centre took the initiative called?   (1) e-Vidwan  (2) e- Gyan     (3) e-vision (4) e-governance

37. Which of the following is an instant messaging application for specially image chat?

(a) WhatsApp

(b) Google Talk

(c) Twitter

(d) Snapchat

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1) (a) and (d) only

(2) (c) and (d) only

(3) (d) only

(4) (a), (b) and (c) (d)    

38. Which of the following statements regarding the features of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT)  is true?

I. ICT are the main instruments for the creation of computer networks and the applications based on them.

II. ICT supports the spread of information and knowledge, separating the content from the place where it belongs physically.

III. The digital and virtual nature of most of  ICT  products allow the expenditure for them to be maximized.


(1) I and II only

(2) I and III only

(3) II and III only

(4) I, II and III

39. Hacker often gain entry to a network be pretending to be a network  be pretending to be at a legitimate computer? 1)spoofing     2)forging    3)IP spoofing   4) ID theft  

40. Talk to a Teacher online portal developed by ?

1)  IIT Delhi     2)IIT Khargpur   3)IIT Mumbai    4) IIT Guwahati   



1. बयान "अध्ययन, डिजाइन, विकास, कार्यान्वयन, समर्थन या प्रबंधन के कंप्यूटर आधारित सूचना प्रणाली, विशेष रूप से सॉफ्टवेयर अनुप्रयोगों और कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर" का संदर्भ है (1) सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (आईटी) (2) सूचना और सहयोगात्मक प्रौद्योगिकी (आईसीटी) ) (3) सूचना और डेटा प्रौद्योगिकी (आईडीटी) (4) आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस (एआई)


2. यदि दशमलव संख्या 48 का बाइनरी समतुल्य 110000 है, तो दशमलव संख्या 51 का बाइनरी समतुल्य (1) 110011 (2) 110010 (3) 110001 (4) 110100 है

3. निम्नलिखित में से कौन अरब वर्णों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है? (1) मेगाबाइट्स (2) किलोबाइट्स (3) गीगाबाइट्स (4) टेराबाइट्स

4. यदि एक गीगा बाइट डेटा स्टोरेज के 230 बाइट्स के बराबर है, तो 1024 टेरा बाइट्स डेटा स्टोरेज के _____ बिट्स के बराबर है। () ५० () ५३ () ४० () ५६

5. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सत्य है? S1: दशमलव संख्या 11 हेक्साडेसिमल संख्या 11 से बड़ा है।

S2: बाइनरी नंबर 1110.101 में, आंशिक भाग में दशमलव मान 0.625 है। () S1 केवल () S2 केवल () S1 और S () तो S1 और ही S2

6. प्रतीक A-F का उपयोग निम्नलिखित में से किसमें किया जाता है? () बाइनरी नंबर सिस्टम (बी) दशमलव संख्या प्रणाली (सी) हेक्साडेसिमल नंबर सिस्टम (डी) ऑक्टल नंबर सिस्टम

7. निम्नलिखित दो कथनों को पढ़ें: I: सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी (ICT) को सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (IT) का सबसेट माना जाता है। II: सॉफ्टवेयर के एक टुकड़े का उपयोग करने का अधिकार कॉपीराइट कहलाता है। उपर्युक्त में से कौन सा कथन सही है / हैं? (1) I और II (2) तो I और ही II (3) II केवल (4) I केवल



8. सीडी-रॉम में फाइलों को कॉपी करने की प्रक्रिया को (1) बर्निंग (2) जिपिंग (3) डिजिटाइजिंग (4) रिपिंग के रूप में जाना जाता है।


9. डीवीडी तकनीक डिजिटल डेटा को स्टोर करने के लिए एक ऑप्टिकल मीडिया का उपयोग करती है। डीवीडी (1) डिजिटल वेक्टर डिस्क (2) डिजिटल वॉल्यूम डिस्क (3) डिजिटल वर्सेट डिस्क (4) डिजिटल विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन डिस्क के लिए एक संक्षिप्त रूप है


10. _________ एक प्रकार का मेमोरी सर्किटरी है जो कंप्यूटर के स्टार्ट-अप रूटीन को धारण करता है। (1) रिम (प्रारंभिक मेमोरी पढ़ें) (2) रैम (रैंडम एक्सेस मेमोरी) (3) रोम (रीड ओनली मेमोरी) (4) कैश मेमोरी


11. CSS का अर्थ है (1) Cascading Style Sheets   (2) Collecting Style Sheets  (3) Comparative Style Sheets  (4) Comprehensive Style Sheets

12.   MOOCs का मतलब  (1) Media Online Open Courses   (2) Massachusetts Open Online Courses    (3) Massive Open Online Courses     (4) Myrind Open Online Courses

13. gif, jpg, bmp, png उन फाइलों के एक्सटेंशन के रूप में उपयोग की जाती हैं जो स्टोर (1) ऑडियो डेटा (2) छवि डेटा (3) वीडियो डेटा (4) पाठ डेटा।

14. कंप्यूटर संसाधनों के प्रबंधन से संबंधित विशिष्ट कार्य करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए कार्यक्रमों को कहा जाता है? 1) ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम 2) हेल्पर सॉफ्टवेयर 3) सिस्टम सॉफ्टवेयर 4) एप्लीकेशन सॉफ्टवेयर


15. -मेल के संबंध में, Bcc: का क्या अर्थ है? (1) ब्लाइंड कंप्यूटर कम्युनिकेशन: - Bcc: फ़ील्ड में निर्दिष्ट उपयोगकर्ता -मेल प्राप्त करेंगे और: और cc: फ़ील्ड्स के पते देखेंगे। (2) ब्लाइंड कार्बन कॉपी: - Bcc: फ़ील्ड में निर्दिष्ट उपयोगकर्ता -मेल प्राप्त करेंगे और: और cc: फ़ील्ड्स के पते देखेंगे। (3) ब्लाइंड कंप्यूटर कम्युनिकेशन: - Bcc: फ़ील्ड में निर्दिष्ट उपयोगकर्ताओं को -मेल मिलेगा, लेकिन यह एक ऑडियो फ़ाइल होगी क्योंकि इस तरह से अंधे लोगों को -मेल मिलता है। (4) ब्लाइंड कार्बन कॉपी: Bcc: फ़ील्ड में निर्दिष्ट उपयोगकर्ताओं को -मेल मिलेगा, लेकिन इसमें और: cc: फ़ील्ड्स के पते नहीं दिखेंगे।


16. एक वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग सॉफ्टवेयर के संबंध में, किसी प्रकाशन में स्थिर सूचनाओं को एक साथ मिलाने के लिए डेटा स्रोत में परिवर्तनशील सूचना को एक मर्ज किए गए प्रकाशन बनाने के लिए कहा जाता है (1) इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेल (2) डेटा सोर्सिंग (3) मेल मर्ज ( 4) स्पैम मेल

17. निम्नलिखित में से कौन वेब 2.0 अनुप्रयोगों की विशेषता है? (1) कई उपयोगकर्ता एक-एक करके Web2.0 अनुप्रयोगों का उपयोग करने के लिए अपना समय निर्धारित करते हैं। () वेब . अनुप्रयोग लोगों को ऑनलाइन जानकारी साझा करने और साझा करने की क्षमता पर केंद्रित हैं। (3) Web2.0 एप्लिकेशन उपयोगकर्ताओं को इसे बनाने के लिए सुविधा प्रदान करने के बजाए सामग्री प्रदान करते हैं। (4) Web2.0 अनुप्रयोग केवल स्थैतिक पृष्ठों का उपयोग करते हैं।


18. डेटा स्टोरेज पदानुक्रम में निम्न शामिल हैं: (1) बिट्स, बाइट्स, फ़ील्ड्स, रिकॉर्ड, फाइल्स और डेटाबेस (2) बिट्स, बाइट्स, रिकॉर्ड्स, फील्ड्स, फाइल्स और डेटाबेस (3) बिट्स, बाइट्स, फील्ड्स, फाइल्स, रिकॉर्ड्स डेटाबेस (4) बाइट्स, बिट्स, फ़ील्ड्स, रिकॉर्ड, फाइलें और डेटाबेस

19. कंप्यूटर संबंधित गतिविधियों में प्रयुक्त USB का पूर्ण रूप क्या है? (1) यूनिवर्सल सिक्योरिटी ब्लॉक (2) यूनिवर्सल सीरियल बस (3) यूनाइटेड सीरियल बस (4) अल्ट्रा सिक्योरिटी ब्लॉक।

20. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक खोज इंजन नहीं है? () गूगल () क्रोम () याहू () बिंग

21. दशमलव संख्या के बराबर बाइनरी 110010 है? () 50 () 48  () 60() 30


22. हेक्साडेसिमल 5BC दशमलव संख्या के बराबर है? (1) 1468 (2) 1568 (3) 46811 (4) 510

23. वॉयस मेल 1) एक संचार नेटवर्क के माध्यम से प्रसारित पाठ संदेशों और कंप्यूटर फ़ाइलों का आदान-प्रदान है, जैसे कि एक स्थानीय क्षेत्र नेटवर्क या इंटरनेट 2) उपयोगकर्ताओं को इंटरनेट  से कनेक्ट होने के दौरान कंप्यूटर के माध्यम से एक दूसरे के साथ वास्तविक समय में बातचीत करने की अनुमति देता है। 3) एक उत्तर देने वाली मशीन की तरह काम करता है, कॉल करने वालों को बुलाए गए पार्टी  के लिए एक आवाज संदेश छोड़ने की अनुमति देता है 4 ) भौगोलिक रूप से अलग-अलग स्थानों पर प्रतिभागियों के बीच बैठक आयोजित करने के लिए वीडियो और कंप्यूटर प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करना शामिल है।


24. सिस्टम फ़्लोचार्ट दिखाते हैं: (1) संबंध जो सिस्टम के इनपुट, प्रोसेसिंग और आउटपुट को लिंक करते हैं (2) प्रक्रिया के भीतर आंतरिक नियंत्रण का मूल्यांकन और वर्णन करते हैं (3) किसी प्रवाह  प्रोग्राम को निष्पादित करते समय कंप्यूटर द्वारा किए गए तार्किक संचालन के अनुक्रम का वर्णन करें (4) एक कंप्यूटर में हार्डवेयर घटकों की व्यवस्था पर निर्भर करता है

25. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी मेमोरी यूनिट प्रोसेसर अधिक तेजी से एक्सेस कर सकता है: 1) नैन मेमोरी 2) वर्चुअल मेमोरी 3) कैच मेमोरी 4) केवल मेमोरी पढ़ें

26. एक डेटाबेस प्रबंधन प्रणाली (DBMS) एक… .. 1) एक डेटाबेस के लिए नियंत्रित पहुंच बनाने, बनाए रखने और प्रदान करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली हार्डवेयर प्रणाली है 2) एक हार्डवेयर  के लिए अनियंत्रित पहुंच बनाने, बनाए रखने और प्रदान करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला हार्डवेयर सिस्टम

3) सॉफ्टवेयर सिस्टम डेटाबेस  के लिए नियंत्रित प्रणाली बनाने, बनाए रखने और प्रदान करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है 4) डेटाबेस के लिए नियंत्रित पहुंच बनाने, बनाए रखने और प्रदान करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली सॉफ्टवेयर प्रणाली

27. वायरस और कृमि के बारे में कौन सा सही है? --- 1) एक कृमि में संक्रमित उपयोगकर्ता के कंप्यूटर से दूसरे कंप्यूटरों पर स्वयं प्रोग्राम करने की क्षमता होती है 2) एक कीड़ा आमतौर पर पटाखा द्वारा लिखा जाता है। स्क्रिप्ट बर्नियों में कृमि कार्यक्रम विकसित करने का कौशल नहीं होता है 3) एक वायरस कंप्यूटर के लिए बहुत हानिकारक है जिसे वह संक्रमित करता है; एक कीड़ा एक गंभीर समस्या नहीं है 4) एंटी वायरस सॉफ्टवेयर वायरस से लड़ने में कारगर है लेकिन कीड़े नहीं

28.फाइल सिस्टम "NTFS" का पूरा नाम क्या है:

 1) New Type file System             2) Never Terminated File system         

  3) New Technology File System       4) Non Terminated File System       

29.. डोमेन नाम प्रणाली (डीएनएस) एक है
(1) .net (2) edu (3) .pdf (4) .jpg
30. G2C का क्या अर्थ है: (1)  Government to Citizen (2)  Government to commander      (3)  general to civilian       (4) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

31. डिजिटल इंडिया मिशन किस वर्ष में शुरू हुआ?

 (1) 2014 (2) 2015 (3) 2016 (4) 2017

32. ऑनलाइन टूल सॉफ्टवेयर कौन सा नहीं है?

(1)Google meet (2)  Cisco WebEx.      (3)  Skype (4) Microsoft

33. IMAP का पूर्ण रूप (1) Internet Message Access Protocol (2) Internet Message Active  Protocol   ( 3)  Internet Message Access Process (4) International Message Access Protocol

34. SWAYAM प्लेटफॉर्म पर ऑनलाइन सीखने के माध्यम से ऐसे छात्रों द्वारा कुल पाठ्यक्रमों में से कितना केवल एक सेमेस्टर में अर्जित किया जा सकता है।

(1) 30% (2) 20% (3) 40% (4) 10%

35. 2035 तक व्यावसायिक शिक्षा सहित उच्च शिक्षा में सकल नामांकन अनुपात (GER) बढ़ाने का लक्ष्य कितना% है? (1) 40% (2) 50% (3) 30% (4) 26%

36. सूचना और पुस्तकालय नेटवर्क ’(INFLIBNET) केंद्र ने किसके लिए पहल की?

 (1) e-Vidwan  (2) e- Gyan     (3) e-vision (4) e-governance

37. निम्नलिखित में से कौन विशेष रूप से छवि चैट के लिए एक त्वरित संदेश अनुप्रयोग है?

(a) व्हाट्सएप

(b) Google टॉक

(c) ट्विटर

(d) स्नैपचैट

नीचे दिए गए कोड से सही उत्तर चुनें:

(1) () और (डी) केवल

(2) (सी) और (डी) केवल

() (डी) ही

(4) (), (बी) और (सी) (डी)

38. सूचना की सुविधाओं के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन और

संचार प्रौद्योगिकी (आईसीटी) सच है?

I. कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क के निर्माण और उन पर आधारित अनुप्रयोगों के लिए आईसीटी मुख्य साधन हैं।

II. ICT जानकारी और ज्ञान के प्रसार का समर्थन करता है, उस सामग्री को उस स्थान से अलग करता है जहाँ वह शारीरिक रूप से संबंधित है।

III. अधिकांश आईसीटी उत्पादों की डिजिटल और आभासी प्रकृति उनके लिए व्यय को अधिकतम करने की अनुमति देती है।


(1) I और II केवल

() I और III केवल

(3) II और III केवल

(4) I, II और III

39. हैकर अक्सर एक नेटवर्क में प्रवेश पाने का नाटक करते हैं, एक नेटवर्क होने का दिखावा करते हैं और एक वैध कंप्यूटर पर होने का नाटक करते हैं? 1) स्पूफिंग 2) फोर्जिंग 3) आईपी स्पूफिंग 4) आईडी चोरी

40. एक शिक्षक ऑनलाइन पोर्टल द्वारा विकसित बात करें?

1) IIT दिल्ली 2) IIT खड़गपुर 3) IIT मुंबई 4) IIT गुवाहाटी