Monday 30 August 2021

Learner’s characteristics & Factors affecting teaching



Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners (Academic, Social, Emotional and Cognitive), Individual differences.

Learner’s characteristics are many such as personal, academic, social/emotional and/or cognitive in nature.

 Personal characteristics can be defined as demographic information about the learner such as age, gender, cultural background, maturation, language, social economic status and specific needs of a learner group such as particular skills and disabilities for and/or impairments to learning.

Academics characteristics of respondents including the education type, education level, and knowledge. The learner has social/emotional characteristics.

Cognitive characteristics of learner can be described such as memory, mental pressure, solve problems, intellectual skill, remembers, organizes and store information in the brain.

Learners characteristics:

Ø Good learners are curious

Ø Carefully understanding

Ø Social and Personal quality-

Ø Growth and development

Ø Willingness to learn

Ø Interests and attitude of learner

Ø Easily Adjustment to Change

Ø Internal Motivation

Ø Social-cultural background

Ø Learning power

Ø Nervousness

Ø Application of mind & Creativity







Factors affecting teaching related to: Teacher, Learner, Support material, Instructional facilities, Learning environment and Institution.


Teacher –Teacher – Teacher plays and important role in the teaching-learning process as facilitator of learning. By adopting the best teaching techniques and efficient methods a teach could explore the right talent of the learners to help them towards quality learning process.


Educational Qualification – Learning of different subjects and area can provide highly valued instruction which can effect than one who with only general degree. If you compare the teacher who has M. Ed or Ph.D you will be able to identify the different ways of thinking and imparting knowledge to students.

Skills – ‘Teaching Talent’ is different psychology. One who has higher degree can’t assure he has right instinct and can teach in better way than others. teaching skill is all about you connect with students; it depends on the method of teaching you apply, your way of explanation and engagement with students in the class room.

Ø Teacher need to have mastery of following skill –

Ø Communication skills for better involvement and engagement

Ø Use of teaching aids effectively

Ø Selection of teaching method appropriately

Ø Passion for teaching

Ø Human relation skills to act as best guide or mentor

Experience – its well-known fact that it’s easy to become teacher after fulfilling the criteria but they actually become ‘Master’ with their experience. High Qualification may give teachers edge in terms of understanding the different topics or complex formula but it’s the experience in the classroom which helps you to learn and employ better methods to effect learning of students. This is also required to handle different mindset of different students in the class-room.

Subject matter – Many time teachers has been assigned a subject in which he is not specialized and he himself not in better position to help learners in effective way …so the passion towards the subject and SME is also key factor that impact learning of students. For example, this is very rare chance that Arts Teacher can give good learning experience in subjects related to science.


Learner – Learning is most effective when the differences in learner’s language, cultural and social behaviors are taken into account, its necessary to take note of intelligence, ethnic group, race, belief and socioeconomic status of the learners which can influence the teaching in the class room. Every individual is different with others in the terms of physical, social and cultural orientation; these aspects make learner different from one another.


Environment and other factors –

Support materials – Teacher Support system is set of tools that will improve student’s achievement by improving the capacity of teachers. Different teaching Aid and Support System influences the way decision are made and information is passed to students. Its help to analyze the area in which students are under performing. This also helps teachers to gain new skill to increase student learning by use of effective strategies. This is vast area which included many sub section to be worked upon by teacher to improve overall learning process through effective use of tools, assessment methods and professional development.


Ø Student assessments and scores

Ø Teaching Strategies and lesson plans

Ø Standards and benchmark

Ø Effective use of traditional, modern and ICT based tools


 Instructional facilities: Teaching Aids – Teaching aids are an integral component in any classroom. The many benefits of teaching aids include helping learners improve reading comprehension skills, illustrating or reinforcing a skill or concept, differentiating instruction and relieving anxiety or boredom by presenting information in a new and exciting way.

Learning environment Class-room environments –

Ø Class room environment plays important role in learning process and it effects both teacher and learner. While this is to be maintained by both by teacher and students. For active participation in education, concentration of students is required. Teacher need to focus of behavior of students along with other factors to improve the class-room environment so that students listen teachers’ voice while interacting with students.

Ø Socio-economic factor – Economic and social background of teacher and students also affect learning curve. It has direct and indirect effects on thinking level of students and teacher both. Various study of teaching has pointed poor and rich student classify economically and these factor has influence on their learning speed. On other side if teacher is less paid in terms of salary this also impact his thinking level and ways of teaching in the classroom.

Ø Expectations – Every parents have some sort of expectation with his ward in terms of what and where they want to see their children. this has psychological impact on students causing stress and impairments. It often seen that if student is not able to perform mentally it create depression and sometime leads to life failure. That’s the reason parent’s involvement in the learning process in important to ease out burden on students and helping them to improve learning as over all.


 Institution – Teacher is abiding by administrative policy of the institution effecting the learning process. There are chances that Teacher want to deliver in a way he loves to do but the institute policy don’t allow him to use his own method. This leads to dissatisfaction in teacher causing learning process to slow down. It should not be the case that teacher should allow the way they want but effective planning of lesson and consultation to improve learning path is required in line with the institute policy.



1.    A teacher has to teach a class of students who are busy talking among themselves. He/ She should: A) Start teaching and hope the students will listen. B) Call for attention and wait until the students are ready to listen   C) Teach to the few students sitting in front    D) Express displeasure and go out of the class.

2.    A few students in your class are exceptionally bright, you will teach them–  (A) Along with the class (B) Along with higher classes  (C) By using Enriched programmes  (D) Only when they want.

3.    It is said that teacher should be resourceful, This means that– 
(A) He should have enough money and property so that he may not have to take up tuitions 
(B) He should have contacts with high authorities so that he may not be harmed 
(C) He should have adequate knowledge so that he may be able to solve the problems of students 
(D) He should have good reputation among students so that authorities may not be able to take any punitive measure against him.

4.    Effectiveness of teaching has to be judged in terms of  : A) Course coverage    B) Student’s interest  C) Learning outcomes of student  D) Use of teaching aids in the classroom

5.    One of the most powerful affecting teaching effectiveness is related to the :  A) Social system of the country   B) Economic status of the society C) Prevailing political system   D) Educational system   

6.    As a teacher, select the best option to ensure your effective presence in the classroom :

A) Use of peer command    B) Making aggressive statements C) Adoption of well- established posture   D) Being authoritarian

7.    Greater the handicap of the students coming to the educational institutions, greater demand on the   A) State   B) Family   C) Society   D) Teacher

8.    Which of the following statements about teaching aids are correct? 1. They help in retaining concepts for longer duration.  2. They help students learn better.

3. They make teaching learning process interesting.   4. They enhance rote learning.

A) 1,2,3 and 4                                      B) 1, 2 and 3

C) 2, 3 and 4                                        D) 1, 2 and 4

9.     Techniques used by a teacher to teach include

  1, Lecture                                 2. Interactive lecture

  3. Group work                         4. Self study

Select the correct answer from the codes given below

A) 1, 2 and 3                              B) 1, 2, 3 and 4

C) 2, 3 and 4                              D) 1, 2 and 4


10.  A good teacher is one who  A) gives useful information  B) explains concepts and principles C) gives printed notes to students  D) inspires students to learn

11. Maximum participation of students during teaching is possible through

A) lecture method        B) demonstration method

C) inductive method    D) textbook method

12. Instructional aides are used by the teacher to

A) glorify the class  B) attract the students

C) clarify the concepts   D) ensure discipline

13. Which one of the following is considered a sign of motivated teaching?

A) Students asking question    B) Maximum attendance of the students

C) Pin drop silence in the classroom    D) Students taking notes.

14. What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences? 
(A) Try to know the abilities, interest and aptitude of individuals  (B) Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals 
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

15. The following are some of the ways of teaching-learning: (a) Pupil’s activity (b) Demonstration (c) Lecture (d) Dictation of notes (e) Memorizing answers of probable questions (f) Discussion (g) Reading of text Books  Which of the following combinations is likely to produce best communication? 

A) (c)(b)(a)(f)    B) (c)(g)(e)(f)   C) (b)(d)(e)(g )     D) (c)(d)(e)(a)

16. A)provide information to students  B) promote self-learning in students  C) Encourage healthy   competition among students   D) Promote self-learning in students.

17. Which of the following is NOT a sign of 'being gifted' ? 

a.Curiosity  b.Creativity  c.Poor relationship with peers   d.Interest in extra reading

18. An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the best course of the action for the teacher? 
(a) Wait till he performs better
(b Find out reason for his under achievement  (c) Give him grace marks in the examination (d) Ask his parents to withdraw from school.

19. Which of the following are essential for a head of an institution to manage his job efficiently and effectively? Choose the answer using the Codes given below: A) Professional qualification in Teacher Education. B) Post-graduate qualification in a discipline C) Familiarity with the socio-political situation in the locality D) Soft-skills training E) Good Communication skills:  ( a) B  C  D  E  (b) A B C E  (c) A  C  D  E  ( d) A  B  D  E.

20. The best method to study growth and development of the child is– (a) Psychoanalytic Method (b) Comparative Method   (c) Developmental Method  (d) Statistical Method


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