Wednesday 27 July 2022

Curriculum Development. Foundations of Curriculum & National level Statutory Bodies


Concept and Principles of Curriculum, Strategies of Curriculum Development, Stages in the Process of Curriculum development, Foundations of Curriculum Planning - Philosophical Bases (National, democratic), Sociological basis (socio cultural reconstruction), Psychological Bases (learner’s needs and interests)Bench marking and Role of National level Statutory Bodies - UGC, NCTE and University in Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development: It is a process of improving the curriculum.  Curriculum is a Latin word meaning ‘race course’. In education it means ‘work field of students’ or race course of the students. It consists of two words-race and course. The word ‘course’ means curriculum and race refers to student’s experience and activities. A teacher performs his teaching activities in view of curriculum. We may say curriculum is all the activities of educational institutes in teaching learning process. In other words, it is the combination of Scholastic and Non-scholastic activities.

The new concept of curriculum is very broad based. It consists of the totality of experience that pupil receives through the manifold activities that goes in the school, in the classroom, library, laboratory, workshop and play-ground and in the numerous contacts between the teachers and pupils. It is neither dogmatic nor rigid in its form and structure. It is neither uniform nor standardised to conform to a prescribed pattern. It is characterised by variety and flexibility and it’s tailored to the needs of the students at different age levels. It gives the students an increasing awareness of the environment around them so that they may fit in more definitely in the milieu of community life. It thus secures more integrated group relations. The secondary education commission has also pointed out clearly the nature and conception of the desired curriculum: It must be clearly understood that, according to subject the best educational thought, curriculum does not mean only the academic experience that a child receives at school.

Curriculum is, therefore, something which is related to the life and the needs of the pupils of different age levels. It includes all the experiences interaction between and among many people; many influences affect its quality and may material conditions affect its functioning. Curriculum is a familiar word, which we come across in the context of school, college or university system.

Different levels require different executional competencies, approaches, methods, techniques, and so there will be strategic, tactical, functional and operational flows of curriculum development processes. the roles differ in each stage. Implementation of an impactful strategy must match to the levels of children or students ages and potentials as they grow and mature, needs change accordingly.



Process of Curriculum Development:

             Review: Review of curriculum related to teacher education.

            Planning: After getting review of curriculum, we start thinking to plan the new curriculum.

Designing: To form the committee to design the good curriculum for different section of syllabus as per aims and objective of teaching learning processes.

Implementation: To implement the curriculum by the trained teachers in respective teacher’s education institute. NCTE advice to use good TLM (Teaching Learning Materials) for better understanding of the learners. 

Evaluation: NCTE plays an important role from planning to evaluation in teacher education.

Recommendation: To Provide recommendation for the use of innovative techniques.

Foundations of Curriculum Planning - Philosophical Bases, Psychological bases and Sociological basis:

Foundations are the pillars upon which the building lies. Curriculum development also has several Foundations. Curriculum development is the most important component of educational programme.

Philosophical foundation of curriculum:

The philosophy will provide the following information for the purpose of curriculum planning:


·       At the foundation of every curriculum, there is the educational philosophy of people directly involved in the process of curriculum development.

·       Philosophy is the end and education is the way to achieve that end.

·       Philosophy determines the goal of life and education tries to achieve that goal.

·       The contents of the curriculum change to suit the prevalent ideologies and social ways of thinking.

·        The curriculum is positively correlated with the needs and requirements of society.

·       Philosophy provides curriculum specialists with a framework for broad issues and tasks, in general, what experiences and activities to stress in school and classroom.


Psychological foundation of curriculum:

The following ideas have developed in relation to psychological foundation of curriculum:

·       Education is for the child. The child is the centre of the educational process.

·       Through education, efforts are made for bringing desirable changes in the behaviour of the learners.

·       Psychology as a science of behaviour is linked with the process of imparting education.

·       It helps curriculum developers in deciding what content and learning experiences can be included in the curriculum.

·       It provides bases for curriculum development in such a way that curriculum could be developed according to the children in a particular grade and their needs.

·       The psychology of individual differences among children influences the plan and development of the curriculum. So, the curriculum should have enough variety and elasticity to allow individual differences, needs, and interests.


Sociological foundation of curriculum:

The following ideas have developed in relation to Sociological foundation of curriculum:

        Society influences the school curriculum.

·       Every society, community or nation has an essential social obligation to arrange the education of children.

·       It provides a way of carrying out changes in the behaviour of the students as per the needs and demands of the society or nation.

·       To make education as an instrument of social changes and progress.

·       To preserve the culture and transmit it to young children.

·       To prepare the learners for the future society.



Philosophy involves an inquiry into the nature and meaning of life including ideas about the nature of human beings, social values and purpose of education.

Psychology provides an indispensable base for identifying the types of curricular arrangement that will mostly benefit the learner's growth and development.

Sociology provides, among other things, necessary clues about the characteristics of contemporary life and the future in which the learners will lead the rest of their lives. These clues help to make a curriculum socially relevant.


 Role of National level Statutory Bodies - UGC, NCTE and University in Curriculum Development

University Grants Commission (UGC):

UGC was established on 28th December, 1953 at New Delhi. It was given autonomy by the Government of India in 1956. Its functions are, to provide financial assistance to the universities and the colleges to meet their requirements; it provides financial assistance for the development of the universities to meet their needs and requirements; it makes provision of guidelines to the centre and the state government for giving grants to the universities; it makes provision of grants for five years for making provision of new university within the state; it provides grants for five years to launch a new department or any academic program in the university, but in the present state concurrence is essential; it encourages higher level research work and teaching activities by providing financial assistance; it provides grants for higher education and new programs within the colleges and universities and it provides fellowship for the teachers and project work for the university and college teachers.

Role of UGC in Curriculum Development:

Renewing and updating of the Curriculum is the essential ingredient of any vibrant university academic system. There ought to be a dynamic Curriculum with necessary additions and changes introduced in it from time to time by the respective university with a prime objective to maintain updated Curriculum and also providing therein inputs to take care of fast paced development in the knowledge of the subject concerned. Revising the Curriculum should be a continuous process to provide an updated education to the students at large. Leaving a few, there have been many universities where this exercise has not been done for years together and it is not uncommon to find universities maintaining, practicing and teaching still on the Curriculum as old as few years or even more than a decade. Not going through the reasons for this inertia, the University Grants Commission, realising the need in this context and in relevance to its mandate of coordinating and maintaining standard of higher education, decided to adopt a pro-active role to facilitate this change and to ensure that the university Curriculum are soon updated to provide a standard education all over the country.

Objectives of  UGC for curriculum development:  

Ø Education as an academic discipline.

Ø Education as professional preparation for service.

Ø Promoting and coordinating university education.

Ø Determining and maintaining standards of teaching, examination and research in universities.

Ø Framing regulations on minimum standards of education.

Ø Curriculum design for the different courses:  General courses:

Ø The Undergraduate Courses (U.G) and The Postgraduate Courses

( P.G)

Ø Suggestion to integrate courses with U.G and P.G courses in other disciplines.

Ø Optional subjects should be offered to students at both U.G and P.G levels.

Professional Studies in education:

Ø Bachelor in education (B.Ed):  Program for preparation of effective secondary school teachers. It is to trained a teacher who can play multiple roles related to school education. It is must functions of teacher in school

Ø Master in education(M.Ed) : Program for preparation of specialists in all aspects of school education.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS):

Ø UGC introduced CBCS for undergraduate courses to allow flexibility in education system. It helps students to learn core subjects and explore learning beyond the core subjects. It facilitates the students benchmark the respective courses with best academic practices.

Advantages of Curriculum Development: 

Ø Teacher centric to student centric.

Ø To take credits as many credits by Combining unique combination.

Ø  Flexibility to students to study at different times and at different institution.

Uniform Curriculum:

Ø  Classification: All universities should have 70% uniformity in curriculum for U.G courses. 70% courses from the UGC curriculum while 30% curriculum can be formed by University

Ø  Review: The UGC has suggested that curriculum of every academic department should be reviewed once in 3 years.

Ø CBCS: It should be adapted by all universities.


Formation of Committee: Curriculum Development Committee for each subject constitutes with the respective Convenor as its nodal person. The Committee besides having some subject experts drawn from the university system, is given a wider representation of various sub subject experts attending meetings of the Committee as the esteemed co-opted members which kept on changing from time to time as the need arose. The Committees, therefore, has representations from a large number of experts and has many meetings before final updated model Curricula were presented to UGC.


 The recommendations have been compiled by panels of experts drawn from across the country. They have attempt to combine the practical requirements of teaching in the Indian academic context with the need to observe high standards to provide knowledge in the frontier areas of their disciplines. It has also been aimed to combine the goals and parameters of global knowledge with pride in the Indian heritage and contribution in this context.

The recommendations while taking all these features into account, have also made provisions for institutions who may not be in a position to undertake radical structural reform immediately. In any country, especially one as large and varied as India, academic institutions must be allowed enough autonomy and freedom of action to frame courses according to specific needs. The recommendations of the Curriculum Development Committees are meant to reinforce this. The purpose of our exercise has been to provide a broad common framework for exchange, mobility and free dialogue across the entire Indian academic community. These recommendations are made in a spirit of openness and continuous improvement.


National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE)

          The Kothari Commission Report of 1964-66, criticized the teacher education program. It stated that the teacher education program is conventional, rigid and is secluded from reality. For this reason, it was felt to bring about improvements in teacher education and establish the National Council of Teacher Education. In September 1972, Central Advisory Board in Education accepted the stated proposal, which was supported by the fifth national plan. Thereby by law, the Indian Education Ministry established NCTE on 21st May, 1973. NCTE received an independent constitutional status since 1993. The main objectives are to work towards the co-ordinated and planned development of teacher education, and to bring about improvements in the standards and functioning of teacher education.

Role of NCTE in Curriculum Development:

Ø Preparation of guidelines and starting a specified requirement for the launching of new courses and programs for teacher education.

Ø Preparation of frame to develop curriculum for the different courses like DPSC (Diploma in pre-school Education), D.El. Ed (Diploma in Elementary Education), B.Ed. (Bachelor in education),  M.A(Education) and M.Ed( Master in Education).

Ø Development of guidelines for the general teacher education program.

Ø Development of norms and policies for the specified category of courses. This means that for the purpose of seeking admission, it is essential for the candidates to meet certain criteria

Ø To advise central government on the matters of pre-service and in-service training of teacher educators, evaluation of the curriculum and the instruction systems and periodical review with respect to the revision of the curriculum.




1.    A curriculum is the sum total of a school’s  influence a child’s:

 1) Personality  2) Attitude  3) Behaviors  4) action

एक पाठ्यक्रम एक स्कूल के बच्चे के प्रभाव का कुल योग है: 1) व्यक्तित्व 2) दृष्टिकोण 3) व्यवहार 4) कार्रवाई

2.     Curriculum is regarded as the sum total of experiences acquired by the learner in a school. Which combination of the following set of experiences will be deemed congruent in this regard? (a) Planned and known experiences (b) Unplanned and unknown experiences (c) Experience gained during co-curricular activities (d) Lived experiences which promote creative outlook

 Code : (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (2) (a), (b) and (c) (3) (a), (c), and (d) (4) (a) and (c)

पाठ्यक्रम को एक स्कूल में शिक्षार्थी द्वारा प्राप्त अनुभवों का कुल योग माना जाता है। अनुभवों के निम्नलिखित सेट के किस संयोजन को इस संबंध में बधाई माना जाएगा? () नियोजित और ज्ञात अनुभव (बी) अनियोजित और अज्ञात अनुभव (सी) सह-पाठयक्रम गतिविधियों के दौरान प्राप्त अनुभव (डी) जीवंत अनुभव जो रचनात्मक दृष्टिकोण को बढ़ावा देते हैं

 कोड: (1) (), (बी), (सी) और (डी) () (), (बी) और (सी) () (), (सी), और (डी) ( 4) () और (सी)


3.    Internship forms an integral part of B.Ed curriculum because it provides :

(1) Enhancing administrative exposure (2) Total participation in school based activities (3) Opportunities for intensive practice of teaching activities (4) Opportunities to get first-hand  knowledge of school programmes

इंटर्नशिप B.Ed पाठ्यक्रम का एक अभिन्न हिस्सा है क्योंकि यह प्रदान करता है: (1) प्रशासनिक जोखिम को बढ़ाना (2) स्कूल आधारित गतिविधियों में कुल भागीदारी (3) शिक्षण गतिविधियों के गहन अभ्यास के अवसर (4) प्रथम-हाथ पाने के अवसर स्कूल कार्यक्रमों का ज्ञान

4.    Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?  1) Critical 2) Creative 3) Conservative   4) All of the above

निम्नलिखित में से कौन पाठ्यक्रम की प्रकृति है? 1) नाजुक

( क्रिटिकल) 2) रचनात्मक (क्रिएटिव) 3) अपरिवर्तनवादी (कंजर्वेटिव) 4) उपरोक्त सभी

5.    Psychological foundations of curriculum help curriculum developers to understand the nature of: 1) Teacher 2) Content   3)learner  4)Ideas

पाठ्यक्रम की मनोवैज्ञानिक नींव पाठ्यक्रम डेवलपर्स की प्रकृति को समझने में मदद करती है: 1) शिक्षक 2) सामग्री 3) शिक्षार्थी 4) नए विचार


6.    Curriculum is affected by the following factor: 1) Government  2) Religious group  3) Ideology of the nation  4) All of the above

पाठ्यक्रम निम्नलिखित कारक से प्रभावित होता है: 1) सरकार 2) धार्मिक समूह 3) राष्ट्र की विचारधारा 4) उपरोक्त सभी

7.    The factors that affect the development of curriculum are called:  1)Foundation of curriculum  2) Curriculum design  3)Curriculum evaluation  4) Elements of curriculum

 पाठ्यक्रम के विकास को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक कहलाते हैं: 1) पाठ्यक्रम  का आधार 2) पाठ्यक्रम डिजाइन 3) पाठ्यक्रम मूल्यांकन 4) पाठ्यक्रम के तत्व

8.    Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the: (1) Education tests (2) Objectives (3) Values (4) Job

पाठ्यक्रम के महत्वपूर्ण कारक को प्राप्त करने में मदद करना है: (1) शिक्षा परीक्षण (2) उद्देश्य (3) मूल्य (4) नौकरी

9.    How many basic components of curriculum have:  1) 4  (2) 6 (3) 8  (4 ) 2

पाठ्यक्रम के कितने मूल घटक हैं: 1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) 2

10. The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be can as:  1) Curriculum Foundation (2) Curriculum Design (3) Curriculum Development (4 ) Curriculum Construction

पाठ्यक्रम के तत्वों की व्यवस्था निम्नानुसार हो सकती है: 1) पाठ्यक्रम फाउंडेशन (2) पाठ्यक्रम डिजाइन (3) पाठ्यक्रम विकास (4) पाठ्यक्रम निर्माण

11. Philosophical foundation of curriculum is concerned with: 1) Ideas (2) History  (3) Economy  (4 ) Contents

पाठ्यक्रम की दार्शनिक नींव का संबंध है: 1) विचार (2) इतिहास (3) अर्थव्यवस्था (4) सामग्री


12. Student’s needs and interests are important in  (1) Historical foundation  (2) Sociological foundation  (3) Psychological foundation (4 ) Economical foundation

छात्र की जरूरतें और रुचियां महत्वपूर्ण हैं (1) ऐतिहासिक आधार (2) समाजशास्त्रीय आधार (3) मनोवैज्ञानिक आधार (4) आर्थिक आधार


13. In September 1972, which organisation has accepted the stated proposal, which was supported by the fifth national plan? सितंबर 1972 में किस संगठन ने कथित प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर लिया, जिसे पांचवी राष्ट्रीय योजना का समर्थन प्राप्त था? 1) CABE (2) NAAC   (3) NCERT   (4 ) UGC


14.  In which year NCTE received an independent constitutional status ? 

एनसीटीई को किस वर्ष स्वतंत्र संवैधानिक दर्जा प्राप्त हुआ?


 1) 1972 (2)1973(3) 1964  (4 ) 1993.

15.     When UGC was established?   

यूजीसी की स्थापना कब हुई थी?

1) 28th December, 1952  (2) 28th December, 1953   (3) 25th December, 1953   (4 ) 28th July  1953






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